Octopulse AI is a platform built to help teams grow their user base effectively. It uses AI to pinpoint when, where, and what to say to your users through notifications and emails.
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Octopulse AI offers a comprehensive set of tools for businesses wanting to improve user activation, conversion, and retention. The "targeting co-pilot" uses advanced SynthAI technology to scan through data and find user groups that are most likely to engage positively with your campaign.
Once these groups are identified, another feature called the "content co-pilot" steps in. Known as GenAI, this tool helps create content that's highly relevant to each identified user group.
The platform doesn't just stop at crafting messages; it goes a step further with intelligent delivery options. These help you decide the perfect volume and timing for your messages, thereby reducing the risk of people unsubscribing while amplifying your desired outcomes.
In a nutshell, Octopulse AI combines the power of AI with analytics to help growth teams focus on the most important factors: targeting the right audience, crafting suitable content, and optimizing delivery.
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