DeAP Learning Lab gives out free AI tutor chatbots to help high school students get better at AP US History and AP World History: Modern. These bots correct students' short, long, and document-based question essays instantly, making students more confident and ready for their exams.
Our mission is to let every student learn directly from AI versions of their favorite teachers. Help us get there by joining our team, leaving feedback, or donating to support our project.
More About Deap Learning Labs -
The DeAP Learning Lab has a variety of AI tools like AskHeimler!, AP Gov, AP History, APUSH Tools, AP World Tools, and AP Euro Tools. Each one helps students learn about different history subjects. They make learning history more fun and easier, especially for students who find writing essays for their tests hard.
DeAP Learning Lab works with Heimler's History to create AI tools that use general AI knowledge and Heimler's unique teaching style. This makes learning simple and fun. DeAP Learning Lab's AI tools are free, but students can donate to help develop these tools further.
DeAP Learning Lab's goal is to answer 1 million questions for free. They have already raised enough money to answer 250,000 AP questions. It should be noted that Advanced PlacementĀ® and APĀ® are trademarks of the College Board and they have no connection with DeAP Learning Lab or Heimler's History.
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